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The Need for Skilled Education in our Educational System


Education is essential for personal and societal development, and it plays an integral role in creating a skilled workforce. As the world continues to evolve and becomes more complex, the need for skilled education grows more significant than ever. We need an educational system that can provide students with the skills necessary to succeed in the modern age. The need for skilled education in our educational system cannot the over emphasized. The educational system needs to change its focus from rote learning to skill-based education to prepare students for the rapidly changing workforce. Rote learning has played a significant role in the mental sharpening and drilling of students in different disciplines, no doubt, but recent turn of global events has increasingly debunked and beaten this traditional form of learning. There is a saying that “The faintest ink is better than the sharpest brain”, by extension this means that memory fades, hence the theoretical form of learning alone won’t suffice in our fast paced and ever changing world, we need to infuse more practice methods of creating better students in our society. By teaching students the skills that are in demand in the job market, we can empower them to take charge of their future and achieve their career goals. The existing workforce has been forced to adapt to new technologies and methods, which has led to a high demand for skilled labor, and there is no doubt that the trend will continue. The world as a global village has experienced tremendous changes due to the recent advancement in science and technology, hence the need for students to be skilled is of paramount importance.e


Skilled education is a type of education that focuses on teaching students practical skills and knowledge that they can use to succeed in specific professions or trades. It is often hands-on and oriented toward professional practice and industry needs, as well as emphasizing the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. Skilled education can range from vocational and technical education to apprenticeships and advanced training programs that prepare students for careers in fields like healthcare, engineering, construction, technology, hospitality, and more. The aim of skilled education is to provide individuals with the necessary knowledge and competencies to excel in their chosen careers and contribute to the economy and society. Skilled education not only improves the students’ chances of employment, it also develops personal professional attributes. Skills such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving are transferable across various domains and aspects of life and disciplines.


The need for skilled education cannot be overstated in today’s global economy. To maintain a competitive advantage, countries, especially underdeveloped or developing countries such as Nigeria must ensure that their population is equipped with the necessary competencies and skills required to thrive in the global marketplace. We need a comprehensive education system that provides students with the knowledge, attitudes, and values that are needed for success in the workplace. Outlined below are one of the reasons for the need our skilled education in our educational system.

Creating a skilled workforce is necessary if we want to tackle major societal issues such as poverty, inequality, and unemployment. Skilled education can equip learners with the skills and knowledge to engage in entrepreneurship and self-employment, allowing them to create their own businesses and employ themselves. This, in turn, can help to create job opportunities for others and lift people out of poverty.

Skills-based education is crucial now more than ever before for several reasons. The world is changing fast, and technology has significantly altered the landscape of various industries. There is a demand for a workforce that is well-equipped with relevant and up-to-date skills to meet this fast-paced change.

COVID-19 pandemic was an eye opener. The lock down protocol accelerated the adoption of technology and remote work. Many jobs that were once considered secure have become obsolete, making retraining an urgent issue. Workers who have lost their jobs need new and more in-demand skills to transition into job opportunities in other sectors.

Many organizations are looking for employees who can adapt quickly to different roles, which means that generalist skills and cross-functional knowledge are required instead of expertise in only one field. Companies value workers that possess skills like adaptability, communication, and problem-solving. This is because such skills allow employees to take on tasks and roles beyond their job descriptions and employ themselves actively.

Skills-based education is more important now because it allows students to learn useful, real-world skills tailored to their career goals and the job market. This approach is a more practical and hands-on approach that helps students gain knowledge and expertise through experience.


There are several types of skilled education, they vary from form to form depending on the type.

  1. Soft Skills: These are personal attributes that enable individuals to interact effectively with others. They include communication, problem-solving, teamwork, time management, and leadership. Soft skills are essential regardless of the industry or job type.
  2. Professional Skills: These are skills required for successful job performance, such as critical thinking, decision-making, and adaptability. These skills are essential for growth in any job and can aid employees in solving complex problems.
  3. Entrepreneurial Skills: These are skills needed for starting, owning, and managing a successful business. They can include budgeting, marketing, and project management.
  4. Technical Skills: These are skills related to specific technologies, tools, or equipment used in various industries, such as welding, mechanics, or computer programming. Technical skills are highly specialized and require significant training and practice to master.
  5. Vocational Skills: These are skills that prepare individuals for certain professions, such as nursing, accounting, or engineering. These courses are usually structured curriculum with specialized programs designed to provide training to meet the requirements of specific jobs.
  6. Trade Skills: These are specialized skills related to specific trades such as plumbing, carpentry, and electrician work. They often require apprenticeships to ensure that the trainee receives experiential learning under a master to gain practical knowledge.

Conclusively, Skill-based education provides practical and relevant training to students. It helps them develop skills that are necessary to become successful in their chosen career paths. The world has evolved into a highly complex and technologically advanced society in recent years. As a result of the rapid pace of technological advancement, there has been an increasing demand for highly skilled workers in the workforce. To meet this demand, there is a need to incorporate skilled education in our educational system. Incorporating skilled education into our educational system can also help in fostering innovation. By providing students with innovative learning opportunities, they can develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This allows them to be more creative and innovative in their approach to problem-solving, which can lead to new ideas and inventions. Skilled education is essential to the success of individuals in today’s workforce. Through skilled education, students can develop relevant technical, practical and soft skills that will aid them in their journey to becoming successful employees or entrepreneurs. By integrating skilled education, we can create a more innovative, adaptable, and productive workforce, promote the growth of a global economy, and improve our society at large.

Story Written by:

Wisdom Abraham

An intern with Hamplus Technologies International [Hamplus Hub]

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