A center for Research, Education, Agile Coding, Collaboration, Training and Development [REACT-Dev]

A Day with Corps Members

The 12th day of April, 2024 was a remarkable day which left a positive memory in my data bank, hence it is a day I won’t forget in a hurry. The day started pretty much the same like every other day at the hub. All interns were gathered together on that faithful morning at the hub and the tutor for Word Processing, Mr. Wisdom (an alumni intern with Hamplus Hub) carried out his task with due diligence. At about 10am, Mr. Hampo, JohnPaul selected four interns including himself and Mr. Peter for the journey to Abraka Grammar School for tech sensitization and talk to the Corps members in Abraka area of the Ethiope east local government area . It was an easy ride to the school despite the rough terrain of the road.

Abraka Corps Members waiting for Hamplus Hub Team

On getting there, we saw a host of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members already at the location, it was a beautiful sight to behold fresh graduates on white top and green khaki trousers. The atmosphere was conducive and the weather was cool to the skin as it rained the day before. The sight of the corps members interacting with each other, exchanging ideas and concepts was a reminder that Nigeria is indeed a blessed nation.

Without further ado, with the approval and introduction of the mission by the NYSC local government inspector,  Mr. Hampo climbed to an elevated platform so he could address the audience. He gave them some reasons why having a teach skill is essential in today’s world, while stating that Hamplus Technologies International [Hamplus Hub] is the best place for them to get adept and skilled up in tech during their one year compulsory service since there are discounts from 30% to 70% for the tech packages, only for corps members. Mr. Hampo talked about their accessibility to power which can be used for their gadgets and devices if they get low. He also made mention of how they will be granted access to the hub’s computer systems and other resources, which they can use for research or personal purposes. A router will also be available so they would be able to access the internet.

NYSC LGI of Ethiope East introducing Hampo JohnPaul to the corps members

The corp members were curious to know what it would cost to be part of it so Mr. JohnPaul gave them an exclusive offer which would be in their favor because the original cost was much more than what he gave them. Hamplus Technologies Int’l offers at least 30% to corps members off the normal price, which amounts to as low as 20,000 (twenty thousand naira) for some courses. It was an interactive session with the media coverage done by Mr. Izu Confidence (an intern with Hamplus Hub) as displayed in this article.

After he was done talking with the corps members, the interns and Mr Peter walked through the crowd in a zigzag manner, like a pollen grain being observed under a microscope as it is being knocked about in random manner by water molecules; sharing fliers, jotters and contact cards (all resources from the hub). It was a funny sight as the corps members stretched forth their hands from various standpoints just to collect those items. After that, some of the corps members walked up to Mr. Hampo to have a one on one interaction with him and as his usual manner, he was more willing to answer their questions and also shed more light on areas that they were not clear about.

A Section of the Corps Members with wrap attention during the tech talk

After the interaction, as his usual flexible manner, he unburdened us from the day’s task and gave us the green light to go home and rest as he proceeded to another location in Warri for a tech seminar.


Story Written by:

Oddiri Oghenetega

An intern with Hamplus Technologies International [Hamplus Hub]

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