It was a beautiful Friday morning, on the 14th of June, 2024 Hamplus Technologies International hosted the Django girls event in the workshop in Abraka. The interns got in earlier in preparation for the event, we finished some of the installations that weren’t completed in the installation party the day before. Everyone was seated as we eagerly waited for the event to commence.

Let’s have a back flip to the installation party. It was held in Hamplus Hub on Thursday 13th, June, 2024 and it started with nice and cool back ground music at about 1 pm. Those that can of which I was among were addressed by one of the Organizers, Hampo JohnPaul while the other organizer, Ekeremor Doubra (Creative EKD) was covering the events. The installation started with a text editor (Visual studio code) to Python and finally Django was installed. Only a participant installed sublime text due to her system’s configuration. The other participants that had ChromeOS had the latest version of Django installed (version 4). We were entertained with snacks and drinks, while the installation was on with cool background music.

Back to the present! It was satisfying seeing new faces [both coaches and participants] at the Hub. Having waited for the internet services to be better but the wait was like a waste (the routers internet were down); at exactly 11:00 am Mr. JohnPaul addressed us as we were about to begin. He summoned Mr. Mudiaga Joel [an intern and also a participant] to give us an introduction on HTML which he delivered perfectly well. We were taught about the various tags in HTML and when they can be used. We created a login form and everyone designed their own forms based on their preferences and understanding.

As soon as Mr. Joel rounded up his teaching, then Mr. Joshua who was one of the coaches of that day was called upon to handle Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) and the effects of CSS on an HTML page. We made use of different selectors, colours, border, padding, border-radius, font, background and many other CSS properties which made our login portal more attractive. As Mr Joshua enchanted us away with his CSS skills, refreshments went round and everyone was hyped.

We were still in the Django girls spirit as Mr JohnPaul directed everyone to go and get our brunch that was already prepared for us. It is said that a well fed team is a happy and productive team; that was what the organizers and the host of this awesome workshop set out to accomplish that day. I could see the joy on everyone’s face as we headed to get it. We didn’t take up much time to get that over with and we went back to work almost immediately.

Another of the coaches Mr Peter was called upon to give us the basics on python programming language which was very brief because we all had to change into our Django girls customised T-shirt. We all got back into the workshop after we changed into our shirts which were made in different colours (Blue, Ash, Red and Green). The Hub looks filled colour with different beautiful faces, colourful T-Shirts and fascinating write up. To be honest, the Ash T-shirt having Code like a Girl as its write-up at the front stole the day; most of the participants and virtually all the coaches had this T-shirt on.

Everyone was seated as we prepared for our last coach of the day which was Miss Nkem Idahosa, a professional from Nitech Academy. She continued from where Mr Peter stopped. Her session was very interesting and she had the most interactive session of the day. She captured the attention of everyone in the workshop that day and we learnt a lot.

The Django girls event hosted by Hamplus Technologies International finally came to an end. Everyone was called outside by Mr JohnPaul for pictures which were taken by Mr Izu Confidence.
To be honest the event was very impactful and it was well organised, as a computer science student I learned new things. If there’ll be another Django girl event next year, I’ll compel everyone who is willing to get into tech to come through, especially the females because the main purpose of Django girls is to motivate females in the Tech space. The Tech space is evolving and females should be part of that movement.

Story Written by:
Oddiri Oghenetega Daniel
An intern with Hamplus Technologies International [Hamplus Hub]